Privacy Policy

This website belongs to BRAZIL TRADING LTDA., a privately held Brazilian company, registered in the CNPJ/MF under nbr. 39.318.225/0006-30, that is responsible for keeping and managing the information exchanged on this website.

Please read our Privacy Policy carefully, as it explains the means by which we collect, treat, use, and protect data, in accordance with the LGPD – the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (Law nbr. 13.709/18).

By browsing this website, you explicitly agree with our Privacy Policy in its current form, and with any future version thereof, seen as the terms of the Privacy Policy may be updated at any time in light of new legislation, technologies and/or functionalities, as well as for convenience. Please make sure to check for updates each time you access the website.



BRAZIL TRADING and our partners are allowed to collect and store information about your device, by using cookies and similar technology (such as pixel tags, web beacons, transparent gifs, javascript, and local storage), based on your authorization and/or on legitimate interests, in order to enhance your browsing experience, process personalized data and offers, and measure the preferences of visitors to our website, among other purposes.

The data you provide us directly by filling out forms, registrations, proposals, and access fields, or by manifesting your interest as you access our website, channels, and service locations, may be also used for commercial and marketing communications (e-mail marketing, WhatsApp, phone calls, etc.), as well as for marketing intelligence purposes.

BRAZIL TRADING may process and treat personal data and other information for different purposes, such as for carrying out its business activities, for security and risk management reasons, for better understanding its customers and offering more adequate products; in addition to carrying out legal obligations, complying with administrative and judicial proceedings, maintaining and improving our activities, promoting events, sponsorships, and other legitimate activities and initiatives.

The data collected will be treated for the period necessary to fulfill legal, regulatory, and contractual obligations, according to the purpose and nature of the data treatment.

In addition to collecting and treating the data, you authorize BRAZIL TRADING to send you institutional and commercial information, provided that you have the right to opt out at any time.



The information given to BRAZIL TRADING will be given to third parties when it is necessary and pertinent to do so, and in keeping with security standards and the privacy of said information, for example: in order to comply with legal obligations and proceedings; to formalize offers, conduct business or fulfill other requests made by you; to share anonymous information that does not allow for identifying you personally; or to comply with company restructuring, reorganization, or other unforeseen situations, at which time we will request your specific authorization.


You also agree and recognize that BRAZIL TRADING will be able to share the collected data with third parties in the following situations:

  •  With our technology/social networks partners, in order to enable the functioning of this website, its safety, statistics, and other functionalities, with the goal of maintaining and enhancing the provision of services, and of interacting with social networks, such as: Cloudflare; Microsoft Dynamics 365; Microsoft Azure; Microsoft; Microsoft Privacy Statement; Microsoft Licensing Terms; Google Privacy & Terms; Google Analytics; YouTube; Facebook; Facebook Data Processing Terms; Facebook for Businesses – Terms of the Tools; Facebook Data Transfer in the European Union; WhatsApp Legal Info.; Instagram Terms of Use; Instagram Data Policy; and Twitter Terms of Service;
  • Marketing companies, based on your authorization and on BRAZIL TRADING's legitimate commercial interest, for purposes of market intelligence, communications, and targeting of offers that are in your interest.
  • Companies of the BRAZIL TRADING group, for the purposes of enhancing services, which will also be subject to legal obligations and to this Privacy Policy.

Upon clicking on the names of our partners listed above, you will be redirected to their websites and Privacy Policies, where you will be able to accept their terms and conditions.



A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer when you visit a website, and that will help that website identify you the next time you visit it, without you having to enter your data again. Cookies are used to retain information as you browse the various pages of a website, or when you return to them, storing information related to your browsing preferences.

We may use cookies and similar technologies (such as pixel tags, web beacons, transparent gifs, javascript, and local storage) by our own means or through third parties, in the following cases:

FUNCTIONING: to ensure the proper access to and functioning of our applications;

AUTHENTICATION: to recognize you and grant you access;

SAFETY: to help monitor and detect unauthorized activity, prevent fraud, and protect information;

SURVEYS, ANALYSES, AND PERFORMANCE: to check, measure, and analyze the audience, the performance, and the utilization of our apps by users;

ADVERTISING: to target content, offers, and/or services based on your interests and number of visits, allowing us to limit the number of times an ad is shown. These cookies help measure advertising efficacy.

You may enable and/or disable the use of cookies, as well as change your browser settings so it warns you before accepting any cookies; if you do so, however, some of the resources or features of this website may no longer function correctly, and they will not be able to ensure your anonymity or prevent your browsing habits from being monitored, due to HTTP requests that may capture information about where you came from, your IP address, your browser, and operating system, among other data.



According to current applicable legislation, you may request the following from us:

• That we provide access to and confirm the existence of data being treated;

• That we update your data, or correct data that is incomplete, incorrect, or out of date.

• That we anonymize, block, or erase data that is unnecessary, excessive, or treated in a manner that does not comply with the LGPD;

• That we provide data portability, safeguarding applicable regulations and trade and industrial secrets;

• That we provide information on the public and private entities with whom we shared your data;

• That we provide information about the possibility of not providing your consent, and about the consequences thereof;

• That we accept the withdrawal of your consent, which may be done at any time and at no cost, by written communication;

• That we erase any of your personal data that we treated with your consent, except when keeping this data is required or allowed by applicable legislation;

• That we accept your opposition to the treatment we performed on other legal basis, in case the LGPD were violated. It is important to point out that there may be situations in which we may legally refuse your opposition and continue to treat the data as before;

• That we cancel and cease the sending of targeted product and service offerings through our communication channels.

If you have any questions regarding your personal information, want to execute your rights or you have concerns or complaints, please contact us by sending an email to our Global Data Protection Mr Robson Edilson Lacerda at [email protected]. For further information, contact:


a) By email: [email protected]

b) By phone: (11) 3135-5474 – during business hours.



The user of this website expressly recognizes that he or she is responsible for all actions and omissions carried out on the website, as well as for all content he or she sends and/or transmits, and agrees not to infringe upon any third-party rights, and not to use language that is inappropriate, libelous, or that unduly harms the image of the company, its employees and/or third parties, further agreeing to provide reparation for any damages caused by his or hers inadequate access or use.

BRAZIL TRADING shall not be held responsible for any damages arising from the aforementioned, nor for any down time, functional errors, frauds, and incorrect information caused by third parties, whereby such cases will be deemed fortuitous or force majeure, and the injured parties shall be responsible for taking the protective measures necessary to ensure the safety of their electronic equipment.



Any reproduction, copy, modification, distribution, cession, publication, or transmission, by any means, in whole or in part, of the website and its content, visual identity, domain name, slogans, advertising or any signs used to distinguish BRAZIL TRADING, is hereby forbidden without express previous authorization by BRAZIL TRADING, whereby such use will subject the infringing party to the applicable legal measures, as well as to reparation for losses, damages, and legal fees.


You hereby agree and authorize BRAZIL TRADING to use the intellectual property rights to any content that you send or transmit using the website; this authorization is unrestricted, unlimited and irrevocable, whatever the pretext.



This Privacy Policy shall be interpreted under the laws of Brazil.

Updated: August 2021.